About J. Craig Venter Institute

Pioneering Genomics to Positively Impact Life

The J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI) is a world leader in genomic research with approximately 120 scientists and staff who are bold innovators fearlessly pursuing revolutionary ideas. With a long track record of creativity and an interdisciplinary approach to genomics, JCVI is committed to accelerating foundational scientific research to drive advances in human health and environmental sustainability. As part of JCVI’s core mission since our founding, we continue to enhance understanding of emerging science through our multipronged education outreach program and through public policy work locally and nationally.

JCVI researchers continue their legacy of success with countless new breakthroughs: the first synthetic cell, the first diploid human genome, discovery of more than 60 million new genes from the Sorcerer II Global Expedition, seminal work in cataloguing the human microbiome (all the microbes that live in and on the human body) and important research into a variety of infectious diseases and antibiotic resistance. These are just a few of the many research areas our team is tackling as we seek to make a worldwide impact with our science.

J. Craig Venter Institute is registered as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions to J. Craig Venter Institute are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. J. Craig Venter Institute’s tax identification number is 52-1842938.


JCVI is advancing the science of genomics through bold innovations. Our mission is to understand more about the biological world, and to develop unique insights and answers about disease, health, and the environment for the benefit of all. 


The J. Craig Venter Institute was founded in 1992 as The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR). Through a series of consolidations occurring in 2004 and 2006 the institute was renamed the J. Craig Venter Institute.


JCVI has research facilities in La Jolla, California, and Rockville, Maryland with over 62,000 square feet of lab and office space.


For more than three decades Dr. J. Craig Venter and his research teams have been pioneers in genomics. Groundbreaking advances began in 1991, when at the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Venter and his team developed expressed sequence tags (ESTs), a new technique to rapidly discover genes. Then, in 1992 this team left NIH to start a new kind of not-for-profit research institute, The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR), the forerunner to the J. Craig Venter Institute. Now, with the freedom to pursue any number of exciting avenues in the burgeoning field of genomics, they use their new computing and computational tools, as well as new DNA sequencing technology to lead the genomic revolution.