Daniel Gibson, PhD


Daniel Gibson is an Professor in the Synthetic Biology group at the JCVI. Since joining the JCVI as a postdoc in 2004, Gibson led the JCVI efforts to synthesize two complete bacterial genomes. Those projects resulted in creation of the first synthetic bacterial cell and development of an enabling suite of DNA synthesis and assembly methods.

Prior to joining the JCVI, Gibson earned his PhD in Molecular Biology from the University of Southern California. While there, he used yeast as the model system for studying cell cycle surveillance mechanisms (checkpoints), which are significant in our understanding of cancer development. Before earning his Ph.D., he earned his Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences from the State University of New York at Buffalo.


International journal of molecular sciences. 2020-09-26; 21.19:
Gross Chromosomal Rearrangements in Kluyveromyces marxianus Revealed by Illumina and Oxford Nanopore Sequencing
Ding L, Macdonald HD, Smith HO, Hutchison Iii CA, Merryman C, Michael TP, Abramson BW, Kannan K, Liang J, Gill J, Gibson DG, Glass JI
PMID: 32993167
ACS synthetic biology. 2019-01-15;
Direct transfer of a Mycoplasma mycoides genome to yeast is enhanced by removal of the mycoides glycerol uptake factor gene glpF
Karas BJ, Moreau N, Deernick TJ, Gibson DG, Venter JC, Smith H, Glass J
PMID: 30645947
Scientific reports. 2016-08-04; 6.30714.
One step engineering of the small-subunit ribosomal RNA using CRISPR/Cas9
Kannan K, Tsvetanova B, Chuang RY, Noskov VN, Assad-Garcia N, Ma L, Hutchison Iii CA, Smith HO, Glass JI, Merryman C, Venter JC, Gibson DG
PMID: 27489041
Science (New York, N.Y.). 2016-03-25; 351.6280: aad6253.
Design and synthesis of a minimal bacterial genome
Hutchison CA, Chuang RY, Noskov VN, Assad-Garcia N, Deerinck TJ, Ellisman MH, Gill J, Kannan K, Karas BJ, Ma L, Pelletier JF, Qi ZQ, Richter RA, Strychalski EA, Sun L, Suzuki Y, Tsvetanova B, Wise KS, Smith HO, Glass JI, Merryman C, Gibson DG, Venter JC
PMID: 27013737
Genome research. 2015-03-01; 25.3: 435-44.
Bacterial genome reduction using the progressive clustering of deletions via yeast sexual cycling
Suzuki Y, Assad-Garcia N, Kostylev M, Noskov VN, Wise KS, Karas BJ, Stam J, Montague MG, Hanly TJ, Enriquez NJ, Ramon A, Goldgof GM, Richter RA, Vashee S, Chuang RY, Winzeler EA, Hutchison CA, Gibson DG, Smith HO, Glass JI, Venter JC
PMID: 25654978
Nucleic acids research. 2014-08-01; 42.14: e111.
Simultaneous non-contiguous deletions using large synthetic DNA and site-specific recombinases
Krishnakumar R, Grose C, Haft DH, Zaveri J, Alperovich N, Gibson DG, Merryman C, Glass JI
PMID: 24914053
Nature. 2014-05-08; 509.7499: 168-9.
Synthetic biology: Construction of a yeast chromosome
Gibson DG, Venter JC
PMID: 24805340
Nature methods. 2014-05-01; 11.5: 521-6.
Programming biological operating systems: genome design, assembly and activation
Gibson DG
PMID: 24781325
Nature protocols. 2014-04-01; 9.4: 743-50.
Transferring whole genomes from bacteria to yeast spheroplasts using entire bacterial cells to reduce DNA shearing
Karas BJ, Jablanovic J, Irvine E, Sun L, Ma L, Weyman PD, Gibson DG, Glass JI, Venter JC, Hutchison CA, Smith HO, Suzuki Y
PMID: 24603933
Nature methods. 2013-05-01; 10.5: 410-2.
Direct transfer of whole genomes from bacteria to yeast
Karas BJ, Jablanovic J, Sun L, Ma L, Goldgof GM, Stam J, Ramon A, Manary MJ, Winzeler EA, Venter JC, Weyman PD, Gibson DG, Glass JI, Hutchison CA, Smith HO, Suzuki Y
PMID: 23542886
Nucleic acids research. 2012-11-01; 40.20: 10375-83.
Sequence analysis of a complete 1.66 Mb Prochlorococcus marinus MED4 genome cloned in yeast
Tagwerker C, Dupont CL, Karas BJ, Ma L, Chuang RY, Benders GA, Ramon A, Novotny M, Montague MG, Venepally P, Brami D, Schwartz A, Andrews-Pfannkoch C, Gibson DG, Glass JI, Smith HO, Venter JC, Hutchison CA
PMID: 22941652
ACS synthetic biology. 2012-07-20; 1.7: 267-73.
Assembly of large, high G+C bacterial DNA fragments in yeast
Noskov VN, Karas BJ, Young L, Chuang RY, Gibson DG, Lin YC, Stam J, Yonemoto IT, Suzuki Y, Andrews-Pfannkoch C, Glass JI, Smith HO, Hutchison CA, Venter JC, Weyman PD
PMID: 23651249
Metabolic engineering. 2012-05-01; 14.3: 196-204.
Methods and applications for assembling large DNA constructs
Merryman C, Gibson DG
PMID: 22629570
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 2012-01-01; 852.11-21.
Oligonucleotide assembly in yeast to produce synthetic DNA fragments
Gibson DG
PMID: 22328422
Current protocols in molecular biology. 2011-04-01; Chapter 3.Unit3.22.
Gene and genome construction in yeast
Gibson DG
PMID: 21472698
Nature protocols. 2011-01-01; 6.1: 89-96.
Isolation of circular yeast artificial chromosomes for synthetic biology and functional genomics studies
Noskov VN, Chuang RY, Gibson DG, Leem SH, Larionov V, Kouprina N
PMID: 21212778
Methods in enzymology. 2011-01-01; 498.349-61.
Enzymatic assembly of overlapping DNA fragments
Gibson DG
PMID: 21601685
Nature methods. 2010-11-01; 7.11: 901-3.
Chemical synthesis of the mouse mitochondrial genome
Gibson DG, Smith HO, Hutchison CA, Venter JC, Merryman C
PMID: 20935651
Science (New York, N.Y.). 2010-07-02; 329.5987: 52-6.
Creation of a bacterial cell controlled by a chemically synthesized genome
Gibson DG, Glass JI, Lartigue C, Noskov VN, Chuang RY, Algire MA, Benders GA, Montague MG, Ma L, Moodie MM, Merryman C, Vashee S, Krishnakumar R, Assad-Garcia N, Andrews-Pfannkoch C, Denisova EA, Young L, Qi ZQ, Segall-Shapiro TH, Calvey CH, Parmar PP, Hutchison CA, Smith HO, Venter JC
PMID: 20488990
Nucleic acids research. 2010-05-01; 38.8: 2558-69.
Cloning whole bacterial genomes in yeast
Benders GA, Noskov VN, Denisova EA, Lartigue C, Gibson DG, Assad-Garcia N, Chuang RY, Carrera W, Moodie M, Algire MA, Phan Q, Alperovich N, Vashee S, Merryman C, Venter JC, Smith HO, Glass JI, Hutchison CA
PMID: 20211840
Nucleic acids research. 2009-11-01; 37.20: 6984-90.
Synthesis of DNA fragments in yeast by one-step assembly of overlapping oligonucleotides
Gibson DG
PMID: 19745056
Science (New York, N.Y.). 2009-09-25; 325.5948: 1693-6.
Creating bacterial strains from genomes that have been cloned and engineered in yeast
Lartigue C, Vashee S, Algire MA, Chuang RY, Benders GA, Ma L, Noskov VN, Denisova EA, Gibson DG, Assad-Garcia N, Alperovich N, Thomas DW, Merryman C, Hutchison CA, Smith HO, Venter JC, Glass JI
PMID: 19696314
Nature methods. 2009-05-01; 6.5: 343-5.
Enzymatic assembly of DNA molecules up to several hundred kilobases
Gibson DG, Young L, Chuang RY, Venter JC, Hutchison CA, Smith HO
PMID: 19363495
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2008-12-23; 105.51: 20404-9.
One-step assembly in yeast of 25 overlapping DNA fragments to form a complete synthetic Mycoplasma genitalium genome
Gibson DG, Benders GA, Axelrod KC, Zaveri J, Algire MA, Moodie M, Montague MG, Venter JC, Smith HO, Hutchison CA
PMID: 19073939
Science (New York, N.Y.). 2008-02-29; 319.5867: 1215-20.
Complete chemical synthesis, assembly, and cloning of a Mycoplasma genitalium genome
Gibson DG, Benders GA, Andrews-Pfannkoch C, Denisova EA, Baden-Tillson H, Zaveri J, Stockwell TB, Brownley A, Thomas DW, Algire MA, Merryman C, Young L, Noskov VN, Glass JI, Venter JC, Hutchison CA, Smith HO
PMID: 18218864
Press Release

Venter Institute Scientists Create First Synthetic Bacterial Genome

Publication Represents Largest Chemically Defined Structure Synthesized in the Lab

Team Completes Second Step in Three Step Process to Create Synthetic Organism