Media Center

Press Release

Researchers Predict Infinite Genomes

Press Release

TIGR Taps Eric Eisenstadt as Vice President for Research

Eisenstadt Brings Unique Vision for Pushing Genomics Forward

Press Release

International Research Team Announces Finished Rice Genome

TIGR Scientists Say First Complete Crop Genome Will Improve Agriculture

Press Release

Genome Study of Marine Microbe Offers New Clues to Subzero Survival

Scientists unravel the genome of Colwellia psychrerythraea 34H, finding key biochemical tools that cold-adapted bacteria use to survive in frigid environments

Press Release

Three Deadly Parasites Have Common Genetic Core; Studies May Help Target New Drugs To Fight Them

Scientists decipher, compare the genomes of parasites that threaten half a billion people, causing Chagas disease, African Sleeping Sickness and Leishmaniasis

Press Release

TIGR President Is Named To Biosecurity Science Advisory Board

TIGR President Claire M. Fraser has been appointed to the new National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity, which provides oversight and advice to the Department of Health and Human Services on federally conducted or supported dual-use biological research.

Press Release

U.S. / African Project Deciphers Deadly Parasite Genome

An innovative North-South research collaboration has provided molecular clues to help develop new ways to treat or prevent East Coast fever, a parasite-transmitted disease which kills a million cattle a year in East and Central Africa. Scientists at TIGR and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) deciphered and analyzed the genome of the parasite, Theileria parva.

Collaborator Release

Synthetic Genomics, Inc. Launched to Develop New Approaches to Biological Energy

Initial applications to focus on ethanol and hydrogen production


Leg 1: headed to an unexplored area of the Puerto Rico Trench

Editor’s note JCVI Staff Scientist Erin Garza, Ph.D., was selected to embark on a unique research expedition aboard the HOV Alvin submersible, a crewed deep-ocean research vessel owned by the United States Navy and operated by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, that has brought...

My journey begins: heading to the Puerto Rico Trench in search of deep-sea plastic

Editor’s note JCVI Staff Scientist Erin Garza, Ph.D., was selected to embark on a unique research expedition aboard the HOV Alvin submersible, a crewed deep-ocean research vessel owned by the United States Navy and operated by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, that has brought...

Celebrating pioneers in science and medicine this Black History Month

Happy Black History Month! At JCVI, we believe in the importance of celebrating scientific trailblazers, particularly those who made groundbreaking advancements all while overcoming overt racism. Here, we have highlighted the stories and achievements of some of the most accomplished Black...

Eleven female scientists whose research changed the world

Today is Women’s Equality Day and to celebrate, we are highlighting accomplishments made by women in science and technology. While these scientists were influential in advancing their fields and championing the fair treatment of women in science, currently women only make up 28% of the...

Complete Genome Sequence of Strain JB001, a Member of Saccharibacteria Clade G6

The complexity and diversity of the microbial world was not fully understood until sequencing technology allowed us to study microbes without growing them in the lab. An important family of bacteria, Saccharibacteria (formerly called TM7), is one of the many bacteria of interest which were...

Scientific Pioneers

JCVI recognizes trailblazers in scientific history, particularly those who made advancements all while surpassing gender, ethnic, and other societal barriers, creating opportunity for the next generation of scientists. These historical figures not only helped advance our understanding of human...

Women’s History Month: Tu Youyou

Tu Youyou is a Chinese pharmaceutical chemist whose unique training in the classification of medical plants and their active ingredients resulted in a discovery that has led to the survival and improved health of millions of people. In 1967, at the height of the Vietnam War, malaria spread by...

SARS-CoV-2 Mutation Tracking

The Bacterial Viral Bioinformatic Resource Center (BV-BRC) is proud to introduce a new resource with the goal of providing live tracking of SARS-CoV-2 mutations. This real-time resource will provide regular reports focused on “Variants and Lineages of Concern” (VoCs/LoCs), and will serve as an early warning system for variants that are increasing in frequency in specific geographical locations.

JCVI Scientists and Interns Dramatically Trim Proteome Analysis Costs with New Lab-on-a-Filter Process

Through a happy accident and a keen mind, JCVI intern Rodrigo Eguez realized scientists might be able to pack their own filters rather than rely on those produced commercially at a significant cost savings. While playing around in the laboratory, he inadvertently disassembled a filter device...


Grow by Ginkgo

Getting Under the Skin

Amid an insulin crisis, one project aims to engineer microscopic insulin pumps out of a skin bacterium.


Planet Microbe

There are more organisms in the sea, a vital producer of oxygen on Earth, than planets and stars in the universe.

Vanity Fair

The Next Climate Change Calamity?: We’re Ruining the Microbiome, According to Human-Genome-Pioneer Craig Venter

In a new book (coauthored with Venter), a Vanity Fair contributor presents the oceanic evidence that human activity is altering the fabric of life on a microscopic scale.


Lessons from the Minimal Cell

“Despite reducing the sequence space of possible trajectories, we conclude that streamlining does not constrain fitness evolution and diversification of populations over time. Genome minimization may even create opportunities for evolutionary exploitation of essential genes, which are commonly observed to evolve more slowly.”

Quanta Magazine

Even Synthetic Life Forms With a Tiny Genome Can Evolve

By watching “minimal” cells regain the fitness they lost, researchers are testing whether a genome can be too simple to evolve.


Privacy concerns sparked by human DNA accidentally collected in studies of other species

Two research teams warn that human genomic “bycatch” can reveal private information

New York Times

Scientists Unveil a More Diverse Human Genome

The “pangenome,” which collated genetic sequences from 47 people of diverse ethnic backgrounds, could greatly expand the reach of personalized medicine.


First human ‘pangenome’ aims to catalogue genetic diversity

Researchers release draft results from an ongoing effort to capture the entirety of human genetic variation.



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