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News Alert

Bacteria seen swimming the electron shuffle

Researchers have captured the bacterium Shewanella's behavior on film

Press Release

Karen E. Nelson, Ph.D., Named Director of J. Craig Venter Institute Rockville, MD Campus

Nelson Joins Robert M. Friedman, Ph.D., Director of JCVI San Diego, CA Campus, as Senior Leaders Reporting to J. Craig Venter, Ph.D.


An agenda for personalized medicine

For seven diseases, 50% or less of the predictions of two companies agreed across five individuals; Companies should communicate high risks better and test for drug response markers; Community should study markers in all ethnicities and look at behaviour after tests

Collaborator Release

Montgomery County Companies, Organizations Provide Hands-On Science and Medical Education to Middle School Students

200 7th Graders to Attend First Frontiers in Science and Medicine Day at Shady Grove Life Sciences Center

Press Release

J. Craig Venter Institute Researchers Clone and Engineer Bacterial Genomes in Yeast and Transplant Genomes Back into Bacterial Cells

New methods allow for the rapid engineering of bacterial chromosomes and the creation of extensively modified bacterial species; should also play key role in boot up of synthetic cell

Collaborator Release

The NIAID-Supported Pathogen Functional Genomics Resource Center at the J. Craig Venter Institute Offers New Affymetrix Array for Faster Identification of E. Coli and Shigella

Custom microarray allows scientists to identify different strains of the potentially fatal foodborne pathogens


Second Leg of Greek Sampling

September 19th 2010 After we picked up our samples in Maliakos Gulf and changed Greek collaborators we sailed overnight to Psara Island to collect sample #30 on the sample map. Weather became an issue as we tried to collect samples site #26. The winds were blowing over 30 knots and seas were...

The Start of Greek Sampling and Rough Sampling Conditions!

September 15th 2010 Aegean Sea Map On September 10th we arrived in the northeastern Aegean Sea and docked in the city of Alexandroupolis. We spent a few hours dealing with customs which was not normal for the Mediterranean countries. Turns out that this area is well known for being an...

Tourist in Turkey

September 11th 2010 Our time in Turkey was relatively short, but we saw and learned a lot in that time. Our first stop was in Canakkale, it would have been an uneventful 1 night stop if it wasn’t for this…..Byron Hellespont Bicentenary Swim. This yearly race allows you to swim the 3...

Turkish Transect

September 10th 2010 Tonight we arrived in the Greek town of Alexandroupolis, which is located in northeast Aegean Sea. In the last 3 days we have collected 10 samples from 5 sites; it has been a long couple days! In the last blog I talked about the 2 sample sites in the Black Sea, since then...

Back To Sampling In The Black Sea and Rough Rough Weather

September 9th 2010 Hello everyone! I know it has been a long time since the last post from Sorcerer II. Let me take the time to explain………… early August we sailed to Greece. As I have mentioned in the past we have permits with each country to collect samples, these permits have...

Take home message of the 2010 Amebiasis Montreal Meeting: beware of who you kiss…

The Entamoeba community is a small and collegial one. Everyone knows everyone and everyone else wants to collaborate, and learn and do more to tackle down this neglected among neglected diseases. For many, the thought of an amoeba brings to memory Garry Larson’s The Far Side amorphous...

Entamoeba histolytica research presented at the Molecular Parasitology Meeting

Entamoeba histolytica causes invasive intestinal and extraintestinal infections, known as amoebiasis, in about 50 million people and still remains a significant cause of human death in developing countries. However, for unknown reasons, fewer than 10% of E. histolytica infections are...

Virtual Comparative Metagenomics

We have created an open virtualization format (OVF) package of JCVI's Metagenomics Reports (METAREP)- a high performance comparative metagenomics analysis tool. The software runs on a web server, retrieves data from two different database systems and uses R for statistical analysis. The new OVF...

Italy: Sites and Sailing

Saturday July 31st When I last wrote we had finished our 10 day sampling window in Italian waters. On Wednesday July 21st we arrived in Rome the same day Dr. Venter, Heather Kowalski, and Darwin the super boat dog had flown in from the states. We spent 3 days in Rome, most of the time was...


ZME Science

Hair claimed to belong to Leonardo da Vinci to undergo DNA testing

Critics, however, argue that this effort is flawed from the beginning



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