Media Center
Gene Transfer Leads To Antibiotic Resistance In Staph Strain
Study Sheds Light on Vancomycin Resistance of Staphylococcus aureus
IBEA Researchers Make Significant Advance in Methodology Toward Goal of a Synthetic Genome
Group Synthesizes Biologically Active Genome of Bacteriophage φX174
IBEA research, funded by Dept. of Energy, is an important advance toward the goal of a completely synthetic genome that could aid in carbon sequestration and energy production
NHGRI Funds Next Generation Of Large-Scale Sequencing Centers
New Efforts Will Build on Success of the Human Genome Project
TIGR to Help Decipher Genome of Model Legume
Sequencing of Medicago truncatula Will Benefit Nutrition, Agricultural Research
TIGR Posts Sequence Data for Parasite that Causes Trichomoniasis
Sexually-Transmitted Trichomonas vaginalis Amplifies HIV Transmission
TIGR, NIAID Sign $65 Million Microbial Sequencing Contract
Genomics Institute Will Sequence Dozens of Genomes per Year for 5 Years
UCSD-TCAG Collaboration to Focus on Transformation of Genome-Based Knowledge Into Health Benefits
Dog Genome Published by Researchers at TIGR, TCAG
New technique, partial shotgun-genome sequencing at 1.5X coverage (6.22 million reads) of genome, provides a useful, cost-effective way to increase number of large genomes analyzed
Analysis reveals that 650 million base pairs of DNA are shared between dog and humans including fragments of putative orthologs for 18,473 of 24,567 annotated human genes; Data provide necessary tools for identifying many human and dog disease genes
J. Craig Venter Science Foundation Announces $500,000 Technology Prize for Advances Leading to the $1,000 Human Genome
Genomics Conference Expands Focus To New Frontiers of Research
GSAC 15 Features Leading Scientists, Hot Topics in Genomics
Media Contact
USA Science & Engineering Festival
What a great weekend! Thousands of people attended the USA Science and Engineering Festival. There were exhibits and performances for everyone, every age and every interest! The DiscoverGenomics! Mobile Lab was there - Pennsylvania Avenue with several other mobile labs from across...
Second Leg of Greek Sampling
September 19th 2010 After we picked up our samples in Maliakos Gulf and changed Greek collaborators we sailed overnight to Psara Island to collect sample #30 on the sample map. Weather became an issue as we tried to collect samples site #26. The winds were blowing over 30 knots and seas were...
The Start of Greek Sampling and Rough Sampling Conditions!
September 15th 2010 Aegean Sea Map On September 10th we arrived in the northeastern Aegean Sea and docked in the city of Alexandroupolis. We spent a few hours dealing with customs which was not normal for the Mediterranean countries. Turns out that this area is well known for being an...
Tourist in Turkey
September 11th 2010 Our time in Turkey was relatively short, but we saw and learned a lot in that time. Our first stop was in Canakkale, it would have been an uneventful 1 night stop if it wasn’t for this…..Byron Hellespont Bicentenary Swim. This yearly race allows you to swim the 3...
Turkish Transect
September 10th 2010 Tonight we arrived in the Greek town of Alexandroupolis, which is located in northeast Aegean Sea. In the last 3 days we have collected 10 samples from 5 sites; it has been a long couple days! In the last blog I talked about the 2 sample sites in the Black Sea, since then...
Back To Sampling In The Black Sea and Rough Rough Weather
September 9th 2010 Hello everyone! I know it has been a long time since the last post from Sorcerer II. Let me take the time to explain………… early August we sailed to Greece. As I have mentioned in the past we have permits with each country to collect samples, these permits have...
Take home message of the 2010 Amebiasis Montreal Meeting: beware of who you kiss…
The Entamoeba community is a small and collegial one. Everyone knows everyone and everyone else wants to collaborate, and learn and do more to tackle down this neglected among neglected diseases. For many, the thought of an amoeba brings to memory Garry Larson’s The Far Side amorphous...
Entamoeba histolytica research presented at the Molecular Parasitology Meeting
Entamoeba histolytica causes invasive intestinal and extraintestinal infections, known as amoebiasis, in about 50 million people and still remains a significant cause of human death in developing countries. However, for unknown reasons, fewer than 10% of E. histolytica infections are...
Virtual Comparative Metagenomics
We have created an open virtualization format (OVF) package of JCVI's Metagenomics Reports (METAREP)- a high performance comparative metagenomics analysis tool. The software runs on a web server, retrieves data from two different database systems and uses R for statistical analysis. The new OVF...
Italy: Sites and Sailing
Saturday July 31st When I last wrote we had finished our 10 day sampling window in Italian waters. On Wednesday July 21st we arrived in Rome the same day Dr. Venter, Heather Kowalski, and Darwin the super boat dog had flown in from the states. We spent 3 days in Rome, most of the time was...
The 'Wondrous Map': Charting of the Human Genome, 20 Years Later
Twenty years ago, President Bill Clinton announced completion of what was arguably one of the greatest advances of the modern era: the first draft sequence of the human genome.
Craig Venter: 20 years of decoding the human genome
The human genome is 99% decoded, the American geneticist Craig Venter announced two decades ago. What has the deciphering brought us since then?
Scientists in La Jolla Make Progress Understanding New Coronavirus Strain
Gene Drives: New and Improved
As the science advances, policy-makers and regulators need to develop responses that reflect the latest developments and the diversity of approaches and applications.
Pink shoes and a lab jacket: Finding your way as a female scientist
Women in science tell high school girls they, too, can change the world
PEOPLE IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD: Jazz piano in La Jolla scientist Clyde Hutchison’s DNA
How AI can help us decode immunity
Artificial intelligence and machine learning will be the keys to unraveling how the human immune system prevents and controls disease
Construction of an Escherichia coli genome with fewer codons sets records
The biggest synthetic genome so far has been made, with a smaller set of amino-acid-encoding codons than usual — raising the prospect of encoding proteins that contain unnatural amino-acid residues.
Public Health is the Next Big Thing at UC San Diego
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