Media Center
The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR), J. Craig Venter Institute, J. Craig Venter Science Foundation Consolidate into one Organization — the J. Craig Venter Institute
Research organization formerly known as Venter Institute is renamed The Center for the Advancement of Genomics (TCAG) Claire Fraser-Liggett, Ph.D., is TIGR Division President, Robert Strausberg, Ph.D., is named President of TCAG Division
Claire Fraser-Liggett, Ph.D., is TIGR Division President, Robert Strausberg, Ph.D., is named President of TCAG Division
X Prize Foundation Announces Largest Medical Prize in History
$10 Million Archon X PRIZE for Genomics Challenges Private Companies to Map 100 Human Genomes in 10 Days
His Royal Highness Prince Andrew, The Duke of York, to Tour J. Craig Venter Institute
What's Shaped Like a Pear and Has Two Genomes? Check The Pond.
Researchers sequence the macronuclear genome of Tetrahymena thermophila, a model eukaryote
Surf's Up — And One Coastal Microbe Has Adapted
With new cyanobacteria genome, scientists find life really does differ at the coast
Comparative sequence analysis of S. pneumoniae TIGR 4 and a set of diverse S. pneumoniae strains.
MultiExperiment Viewer (MeV) 4.0 with Linear Expression Map (LEM) Module Released
Proteomic analysis of cell envelope-associated proteins in a vancomcyin intermediate resistant Staphylococcus aureus (VISA) strain
Comparative proteomic analysis of Staphylococcus aureus strains of the VISA phenotype with differing resistance to vancomycin
Surprising Symbiosis: Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter Eats With Friends
Like a celebrity living on mineral water, the glassy-wingedsharpshooter consumes only the dilute sap of woody plants — including grapevinesin California,which is feverishly working to prevent the insect's flight into prizedvineyards. Now, in a surprising study published in the June 6 issue of PublicLibrary of Science Biology (PLoS Biology), researchers at The Institute forGenomic Research (TIGR), the University of Arizona, and their colleagueshave discovered that the sharpshooter's deprivation diet is sneakilysupplemented by not one, but two co-dependent bacteria living inside its cells.
Gut Reaction: Researchers Define The Colon's Genome
For the first time, scientists describe the busy microbial world inside
Media Contact
JCVI Launches New Internship Partnership with Smithsonian Science Education Center
Are you passionate about science education? If so, we have a unique hands-on opportunity for you to be a part of real teams of scientists and educators. Open to undergraduate and graduate students with no previous lab experience required.
Inspiring the Next Generation of Scientific Leadership
Through the NIDDK-funded Genomics Scholars Program, JCVI has provided aspiring scientists wet lab, technical, and career training. Community college students from Montgomery College (Maryland) and MiraCosta College (California) have participated, with the next cohort joining us this summer.
The 2017 JCVI Summer Internship Program
JCVI’s long-running internship program just concluded its summer 2017 session with a well-attended poster symposium held in both its Rockville and La Jolla locations. Eighteen of our interns presented their research in a session open to all JCVI faculty and staff. Montgomery College...
Scientist Spotlight: Brett Pickett, PhD
The son of a dentist, Brett Pickett grew up in Salt Lake City, Utah focused initially on a career in the family business (his siblings are hygienists and an oral surgeon). Brett believed from an early age that he would follow in his father’s footsteps. He enrolled in Brigham Young...
Summer 2016 Intern Program
Interns in both Rockville, MD and La Jolla, CA participated in our summer 2016 internship program at the J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI). A total of 19 interns were hired for the summer 2016 program, selected from 578 applicants. Of the 19 interns, six interns were part of the Genomic...
Scientist Spotlight: Anna Edlund, PhD
Although Sweden is synonymous with Ikea, Volvo, meatballs and ABBA, the country has had a significant impact on science and discovery as far back as the 17th Century. Scientist Anna Edlund, PhD who recently joined JCVI is another Swede pushing the boundaries of discovery in her new role as...
Research Impact: Accelerating Efforts to Contain and Prevent the Zika Virus (ZIKV)
The rapidly developing Zika virus (ZIKV) outbreak has research groups, government agencies, and industry is all striving to develop a response plan to contain and ultimately prevent ZIKV spread. Currently JCVI is working with both private and public sector funders to sequence and analyze...
South Africa Microbiome Workshops
In April 2016, researchers from JCVI led two microbiome data analysis workshops in South Africa. Both workshops were co-sponsored by the NIAID-funded JCVI Genomic Center for Infectious Disease and the H3Africa Initiative. The first workshop was held from April 21 - 22 at the...
Genomic Workshop for Native American College students
A Genomic Science Workshop was held last week (May 24-26, 2016) at the J Craig Venter Institute Rockville campus for a group of ten Native American college students. The students participated in two full-day intensive training activities learning how to study the “microbiome” of...
Ongoing Zika virus work at JCVI
The rapidly developing Zika virus (ZIKV) outbreak has research groups, government agencies, and industry all striving to develop a response plan to contain and ultimately prevent ZIKV spread. Currently JCVI is working with both private and public sector funders to sequence and analyze...
Researchers have swapped the genome of gut germ E. coli for an artificial one
By creating a new genome, scientists could create organisms tailored to produce desirable compounds
Genetically modified bacteria-killing viruses used on patient for first time
Hair claimed to belong to Leonardo da Vinci to undergo DNA testing
Critics, however, argue that this effort is flawed from the beginning
Students learn about genomics, a life in science, at J. Craig Venter Institute
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