Media Center

Collaborator Release

New Bioinformatics Hub at UChicago Enables Next-Gen Infectious Disease Research

NIH-funded resource merges pathogen databases and adds AI capabilities

Workshop Alert

JCVI/AADR Fall Focused Symposium

Integrating Omic Datasets Towards Translation

Collaborator Release

Combining Antibiotics, Researchers Deliver One-Two Punch against Ubiquitous Bacterium

CWRU/Cleveland VA findings in mouse models could make inroads against superbugs

News Alert

J. Craig Venter will deliver the Mendel Lecture June 18th at the European Human Genetics Conference.

Craig Venter is the founder, chairman and CEO of the J. Craig Venter Institute in La Jolla, CA, United States. He will be giving the Mendel Lecture on Tuesday June 18 at 13.30 hrs. He talked to Mary Rice about his life and work.

Collaborator Release

Zymo Research Recognized by NASA for its Support of Research Aboard the International Space Station

DNA/RNA Shield™ Protects Biological Samples Even in Space

Collaborator Release

Rainbow Around The Son Book Chronicles a Mother’s Love and the Mutant p53 Gene

New Bestseller Reveals How One Family Discovered They Carried the Gene with over 90% Chance of Developing Cancer

Press Release

Domoic Acid Decoded: Scientists Discover Genetic Basis for How Harmful Algal Blooms Become Toxic

Research into gene function in microalgae helps determine how toxins are made in oceanic harmful algal blooms

Collaborator Release

NSF announces new awards for Understanding the Rules of Life

New projects address genetic, environmental causality in biological systems and processes


Scientist Spotlight: Orianna Bretschger

Most of us have never thought about how to make more water or cleaner water or develop unique sources of energy but that’s exactly what Orianna Bretschger does at JCVI. She is working at the intersection of engineering, physics, and biology to design small machines powered by bacteria that...

Having Fun with Genomics

I am the generation after landing on the moon. As a child, I don’t recall having any science inspiration. I was fortunate to have parents that made it possible for me and my siblings to get a very good education. I went to a small parochial school outside of Washington, DC. It was a great...

AGBT, Marco Island 2010

I just got back from AGBT in Marco Island, Florida and I am still in awe. As noted in the name, this conference highlights advances in both genome biology and technology. The biology seemed to be very human genome centric. Many of the talks presented full genome sequences of cancer genomes or...

Influenza H1N1pdm sequencing project overview

Since 2004, the JCVI Influenza Genome Sequencing Project, funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has sequenced thousands of human, swine, and avian influenza isolates from collections around the world to provide researchers with a better understanding of...

High Impact Science in Antarctica

Big changes in store for the Mertz Polynya: in February 2010 iceberg 9B9 collided with the Mertz Glacier, breaking the 70 km floating glacier off at the base. The Mertz Polynya was extensivley sampled by scientists at the JCVI in the summer of 2007/08, and this metagenomic survey will form an important baseline for evaluating on-going changes in the area.

Rocky Hill MS Explodes with Science

Mrs. Jill Maisch is the 7th Grade Science teacher at Rocky Hill Middle School who is responsible for the explosion with Science in Clarksburg MD. She, along with new teachers and veteran teachers to the DiscoverGenomics! Science Education Program attended our annual professional development...

New ways to analyze metagenomics data

Are you looking for new tools to analyze your metagenomics data? Are you using MG-RAST, IMG/M or MEGAN for your daily metagenomics work? JCVI is working on a user friendly alternative that you might be looking for - a new tool kit for metagenomics data visualization and analysis...

DNA microarrays vs RNAseq — The winner and new heavyweight champion is?... It’s a draw.

In the past year or so there have been several articles stating that the death of microarray technology is growing near. These proclamations are due to the more recently introduced methodology referred to as RNAseq. At first glance I wrote these claims off as being silly and premature. Over...

Science Festivals

With spring around the corner (or at least we hope), there are several upcoming science festivals. These festivals are designed to provide students and families opportunities to find out what is happening in local science research institutes, universities and companies. These organizations...


Grow by Ginkgo

Getting Under the Skin

Amid an insulin crisis, one project aims to engineer microscopic insulin pumps out of a skin bacterium.


Planet Microbe

There are more organisms in the sea, a vital producer of oxygen on Earth, than planets and stars in the universe.

Vanity Fair

The Next Climate Change Calamity?: We’re Ruining the Microbiome, According to Human-Genome-Pioneer Craig Venter

In a new book (coauthored with Venter), a Vanity Fair contributor presents the oceanic evidence that human activity is altering the fabric of life on a microscopic scale.


Lessons from the Minimal Cell

“Despite reducing the sequence space of possible trajectories, we conclude that streamlining does not constrain fitness evolution and diversification of populations over time. Genome minimization may even create opportunities for evolutionary exploitation of essential genes, which are commonly observed to evolve more slowly.”

Quanta Magazine

Even Synthetic Life Forms With a Tiny Genome Can Evolve

By watching “minimal” cells regain the fitness they lost, researchers are testing whether a genome can be too simple to evolve.


Privacy concerns sparked by human DNA accidentally collected in studies of other species

Two research teams warn that human genomic “bycatch” can reveal private information

New York Times

Scientists Unveil a More Diverse Human Genome

The “pangenome,” which collated genetic sequences from 47 people of diverse ethnic backgrounds, could greatly expand the reach of personalized medicine.


First human ‘pangenome’ aims to catalogue genetic diversity

Researchers release draft results from an ongoing effort to capture the entirety of human genetic variation.



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