Media Center
Dr. J. Craig Venter Awarded the 2020 Edogawa NICHE Prize
Biology in Art: Genetic Detectives ID Microbes Suspected of Slowly Ruining Humanity’s Treasures
DNA science may help restore, preserve historic works, unmask counterfeits
The trait elite baseball hitters share with Leonardo da Vinci: A “quick eye” with higher “frames per second.” A function of training, genetics, or both?
Maintaining a Healthy Upper Respiratory Tract Microbiome May Help Prevent Secondary Infections in Influenza A Patients
An influenza-impacted upper respiratory tract microbiome may invite opportunistic bacterial pathogens
LJI Scientists Identify Potential Targets for Immune Responses to Novel Coronavirus
The research, which includes comparative genomics analysis by JCVI scientists Yun Zhang and Richard Scheuermann, provides essential information about the human immune response to coronavirus infection that will guide the design and evaluation of diagnostics and vaccine candidates
Presence of Staph Bacteria in Skin Microbiome Promotes Netherton Syndrome Inflammation
The research, which includes work by JCVI scientists Drishti Kaul and Christopher Dupont, provides one of the most detailed genomic descriptions to date of the skin microbiome
Bacteria on the International Space Station no more dangerous than earthbound strains
Microbes that likely colonized the water dispenser before takeoff are still susceptible to antibiotics
Scientists Identify Genome-Wide Traits Associated with Microbial Growth Strategy and Ecosystem Nutrient Status
New Methods Developed May Shed Light on Evolution in the World’s Oceans
Emory School of Nursing faculty member receives research grant from The ALS Association
J. Craig Venter Institute is a major partner, providing whole genome sequencing and data analysis needed to identify microbial makeup of ALS patients
Al Gore to lead global ‘healthy planet, healthy lives’ forum in Switzerland
Former US Vice President to address climate solutions in Montreux
JCVI President Karen Nelson to speak on “getting to the guts of health and disease”
J. Craig Venter Institute and UC San Diego Develop Phage Treatment as Potential Cure for Alcoholic Liver Disease
Team targeted specific toxin-producing strains of the bacterium, Enterococcus faecalis, which is shown to be responsible for most liver damage
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Gulf of Tehuantepec
We spend the day transiting the famously capricious Gulf of Tehuantepec, but today winds were calm, and we were able to cut across the bay in good time. At the southern end of the gulf is an underwater seamount, so we maneuver the Sorcerer over the seamount in hopes of encountering an...
Acapulco Harbor, Mexico
There probably isn’t a harbor in Mexico more impacted by tourism and development than Acapulco. We pull into the stunningly beautiful harbor and sample in front of an area of high rise hotels. The depth of the spot we sampled is only 40 feet, so we just take a surface water sample. Of...
Sampling Blooms in Cabo Corrientes
Just south of Puerto Vallarta is Cabo Corrientes, and our satellite data indicate a large bloom extending 25 miles off the coast. As we enter the bloom the water turns an intense green, and there are numerous fish feeding in the area. Sampling conditions are ideal: bright sunshine, light...
Puerto Vallarta: Investigating the Influence of Coastal Development
Sampling today starts before sunrise when we arrive at Puerto Vallarta. In conjunction with our Mexican collaborators, we are investigating the influence of coastal development, particularly intensive tourism, on marine microbiota, so we take a sample of surface water in Banderas Bay and leave...
Strong Winds
Winds have picked up considerably in the last 36 hours, and tonight they are blowing in the 25 to 30 knot range, below gale force but still too strong to safely deploy our instrumentation. We sail past the plankton bloom near Cedros Island without stopping, but you can see the sparkle of the...
Blooms and Clear Skies
We left under clear skies and light winds, and within hours of heading out, we were sampling the waters off of the Coronado Islands near the US/Mexican border and plotting our sampling schedule for the next few days. The team passed around the latest satellite data from SeaWiFS, NASA’s global...
J. Robert Beyster and Life Technologies 2009-2010 Research Voyage Launch
After two years of intensive sampling in the waters off California and the west coast of the United States, the Sorcerer II Expedition embarked once again on March 21, 2009. Our destination: the Baltic, Black and Mediterranean Seas. Funded by generous donations from the Beyster Family...
Genome Research Papers on Meningococcal Recombination, Psoriasis Variants in China, More
Sailing the Seas in Search of Microbes
Projects aimed at collecting big data about the ocean’s tiniest life forms continue to expand our view of the seas.
What the Public Should Not Know
J. Craig Venter, PhD, argues scientists have “a moral obligation to communicate what they're doing to the public,” and that more studies deserve greater public criticism.
Scientists coax cells with the world’s smallest genomes to reproduce normally
The discovery could sharpen scientists’ understanding of which functions are crucial for normal cells and what the many mysterious genes in these organisms are doing
San Diego arts, health, science and youth groups to share $71M from Prebys Foundation
The J. Craig Venter Institute is the recipient of three awards totaling more than $1.5M to study SARS-CoV-2 and heart disease
Reflections on the 20th Anniversary of the First Publication of the Human Genome
A new wave of research is needed to make ample use of humanity’s “most wondrous map”
Scientists rush to determine if mutant strain of coronavirus will deepen pandemic
U.S. researchers have been slow to perform the genetic sequencing that will help clarify the situation
After saving countless lives, Nobel laureate Hamilton Smith retires as his own health falters
He has been a fixture in San Diego science for decades
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