Media Center

Press Release

First Individual Diploid Human Genome Published By Researchers at J. Craig Venter Institute

Sequence Reveals that Human to Human Variation is Substantially Greater than Earlier Estimates

Independent sequence and assembly of the six billion base pairs from the genome of one person ushers in the era of individualized genome-based medicine

Press Release

The J. Craig Venter Institute to Aid Asiatic Centre for Genome Technology to Establish New Genomics Facility

The program will also provide for in-depth training of Malaysian scientists on new tools and techniques of genomics

Press Release

JCVI Scientists Publish First Bacterial Genome Transplantation Changing One Species to Another

Research is important step in further advancing field of synthetic genomics

Press Release

Scientists at J. Craig Venter Institute Publish Draft Genome Sequence from Aedes aegypti, Mosquito Responsible for Yellow Fever, Dengue Fever

Genome is Larger and More Complex Compared to Fruit Fly and Mosquito Species that Carries Malaria

Press Release

J. Craig Venter Institute Announces Management Team and Organizational Structure

J. Craig Venter, Ph.D., Founder, remains as President and Chairman; Robert Strausberg, Ph.D., is named Institute Deputy Director

Press Release

Antibiotic Resistance in Plague

Will the Plague Pathogen become Resistant to Antibiotics?

Press Release

More than Six Million New Genes, Thousands of New Protein Families, and Incredible Degree of Microbial Diversity Discovered from First Phase of Sorcerer II Global Ocean Sampling Expedition

Unprecedented amount of data deposited in CAMERA database; features enhanced tools to visualize and analyze metagenomic data

Collaborator Release

Launching the Global Community Cyberinfrastructure for Advanced Marine Microbial Research and Analysis (CAMERA)

UC San Diego Makes Venter Institute's Global Ocean Sampling (GOS) Expedition Microbial Metagenomic Data and Computational Tools Available to Scientists Worldwide


Thule, Greenland Year Two

Sequence data from the previous year allowed us to determine the overall microbial population in each site and this year we decided to focus on the Rich Lake site which seem to have representation of nearly all microbes found in the other sites. So lucky for us we only had to work on one...

Scientist Spotlight: Meet Sarah Highlander

Sarah Highlander PhD is an esteemed scientist and professor who joined JCVI in La Jolla this year. She comes from a long line of academically successful Professors, including a great uncle who was a University Dean. As a young child, Sarah was influenced by her parents: her mother was...

Professional Development Opportunities this Summer

This summer we are offering two professional development workshops: GenomeSolver and Bioinformatics: Unlocking Life through Computation.  Both explore bioinformatics, microbial diversity and the implementation in the undergradauate or high school classrooms.  The GenomeSolver...

JCVI Hosts South African Scientists to Share Microbiome Research Techniques

Two scientists from the University of Cape Town, South Africa have joined Dr. Bill Nierman’s lab for the next month as part of NIH’s Human Heredity and Health in Africa (H3Africa) Initiative, a training program designed to build out technical biological skills in the African research...

Building the World's First Net-Zero Energy Lab [video]

Building the World's First Net-Zero Energy Lab And see the construction in time-lapes.

Amazon Expedition

Yesterday, JCVI expedition scientist Jeff Hoffman embarked from Manaus on a sampling expedition of the Amazon River and its tributaries, which contains 1/5th of the Earth’s river flow. In collaboration with scientists Dr. Guilherme Oliviera and Dr. Sara Cuadros from the Centro de Excelencia...

The 2014 Summer Internship Application is Open and Announcing the Genomics Scholar Program

The 2014 Summer Internship Application is now open.   Last summer, we hosted 49 interns from a pool of 424 applicants. They presented their research in the First Annual Summer Internship Poster Sessions held in San Diego and Rockville. The posters were judged by a team of...

Sampling: US to the Azores

I’m off again on an ocean sampling voyage but this time instead of being onboard the JCVI’s Sorcerer II, I am onboard the R/V Endeavor as part of a multi-institution, international scientific sampling team that is headed from the US to the Azores. On Thursday August 22 we left Morehead...

Thule, Greenland - Day One

Arrived at Thule, Greenland after a 5 hr flight from Copenhagen. It was pretty interesting seeing a long line of people all getting on a flight that was headed to a part of the world that usually has less than 600 people there at any given time. Arrival was pretty straightforward, no jetway,...


ZME Science

Hair claimed to belong to Leonardo da Vinci to undergo DNA testing

Critics, however, argue that this effort is flawed from the beginning



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