Biowalk of Fame

There is a new “Biowalk of Fame” in Maryland, and our own Craig Venter was one of the first honorees receiving a plaque, which is there for all to see as you stroll through lovely Silver Spring.
Other honorees include Dr. Martin Rodbell and Ben Carson. The event to honor the awardees was on April 22, which also it happens to be Earth Day. Although it rained heavily throughout the event, there were a large number of people in attendance including several local government officials including Council member Valerie Ervin and Chairman Ike Leggett. Dr Martine Rothblatt, CEO of United Therapeutics, emceed the event.

The idea behind the BioWall and the Biowalk is very innovative. The Wall is a live movie like screen that allows videos from students and the public that relate to science to be continuously aired. A student observing a paramecium under the microscope for example can mail the clip in to United Therapeutics, and it will be available for all to see. The Biowalk also has plaques dedicated to those who have made the most outstanding contributions to the State of Maryland in the sciences – hence Craig.

The take home message is, if you are wondering through Silver Spring do not be surprised if you see Craig’s name on a plaque on 1040 Spring Street. Congratulations!