GCID Publications

PloS one. 2011-01-01; 6.12: e21743.
Castor bean organelle genome sequencing and worldwide genetic diversity analysis
Rivarola M, Foster JT, Chan AP, Williams AL, Rice DW, Liu X, Melake-Berhan A, Huot Creasy H, Puiu D, Rosovitz MJ, Khouri HM, Beckstrom-Sternberg SM, Allan GJ, Keim P, Ravel J, Rabinowicz PD
PMID: 21750729
Journal of virology. 2011-01-01; 85.1: 357-65.
PB2 residue 158 is a pathogenic determinant of pandemic H1N1 and H5 influenza a viruses in mice
Zhou B, Li Y, Halpin R, Hine E, Spiro DJ, Wentworth DE
PMID: 20962098
Journal of virology. 2011-01-01; 85.2: 828-34.
Phylogeography of the spring and fall waves of the H1N1/09 pandemic influenza virus in the United States
Nelson MI, Tan Y, Ghedin E, Wentworth DE, St George K, Edelman L, Beck ET, Fan J, Lam TT, Kumar S, Spiro DJ, Simonsen L, Viboud C, Holmes EC, Henrickson KJ, Musser JM
PMID: 21068250
Nature genetics. 2010-12-01; 42.12: 1140-3.
Yersinia pestis genome sequencing identifies patterns of global phylogenetic diversity
Morelli G, Song Y, Mazzoni CJ, Eppinger M, Roumagnac P, Wagner DM, Feldkamp M, Kusecek B, Vogler AJ, Li Y, Cui Y, Thomson NR, Jombart T, Leblois R, Lichtner P, Rahalison L, Petersen JM, Balloux F, Keim P, Wirth T, Ravel J, Yang R, Carniel E, Achtman M
PMID: 21037571
Nature. 2010-11-04; 468.7320: 60-6.
Genomic and functional adaptation in surface ocean planktonic prokaryotes
Yooseph S, Nealson KH, Rusch DB, McCrow JP, Dupont CL, Kim M, Johnson J, Montgomery R, Ferriera S, Beeson K, Williamson SJ, Tovchigrechko A, Allen AE, Zeigler LA, Sutton G, Eisenstadt E, Rogers YH, Friedman R, Frazier M, Venter JC
PMID: 21048761
Molecular microbiology. 2010-11-01; 78.4: 1038-54.
Aspergillus fumigatus AcuM regulates both iron acquisition and gluconeogenesis
Liu H, Gravelat FN, Chiang LY, Chen D, Vanier G, Ejzykowicz DE, Ibrahim AS, Nierman WC, Sheppard DC, Filler SG
PMID: 21062375
Molecular oral microbiology. 2010-10-01; 25.5: 357-67.
Using DGGE profiling to develop a novel culture medium suitable for oral microbial communities
Tian Y, He X, Torralba M, Yooseph S, Nelson KE, Lux R, McLean JS, Yu G, Shi W
PMID: 20883224
Science (New York, N.Y.). 2010-10-01; 330.6000: 86-8.
Sequencing of Culex quinquefasciatus establishes a platform for mosquito comparative genomics
Arensburger P, Megy K, Waterhouse RM, Abrudan J, Amedeo P, Antelo B, Bartholomay L, Bidwell S, Caler E, Camara F, Campbell CL, Campbell KS, Casola C, Castro MT, Chandramouliswaran I, Chapman SB, Christley S, Costas J, Eisenstadt E, Feschotte C, Fraser-Liggett C, Guigo R, Haas B, Hammond M, Hansson BS, Hemingway J, Hill SR, Howarth C, Ignell R, Kennedy RC, Kodira CD, Lobo NF, Mao C, Mayhew G, Michel K, Mori A, Liu N, Naveira H, Nene V, Nguyen N, Pearson MD, Pritham EJ, Puiu D, Qi Y, Ranson H, Ribeiro JM, Roberston HM, Severson DW, Shumway M, Stanke M, Strausberg RL, Sun C, Sutton G, Tu ZJ, Tubio JM, Unger MF, Vanlandingham DL, Vilella AJ, White O, White JR, Wondji CS, Wortman J, Zdobnov EM, Birren B, Christensen BM, Collins FH, Cornel A, Dimopoulos G, Hannick LI, Higgs S, Lanzaro GC, Lawson D, Lee NH, Muskavitch MA, Raikhel AS, Atkinson PW
PMID: 20929810
Journal of virology. 2010-10-01; 84.19: 9957-66.
Molecular analysis of H7 avian influenza viruses from Australia and New Zealand: genetic diversity and relationships from 1976 to 2007
Bulach D, Halpin R, Spiro D, Pomeroy L, Janies D, Boyle DB
PMID: 20668069
BMC bioinformatics. 2010-09-07; 11.451.
VIGOR, an annotation program for small viral genomes
Wang S, Sundaram JP, Spiro D
PMID: 20822531
