GCID Publications

Applied and environmental microbiology. 2011-05-01; 77.9: 2916-25.
Genome signatures of Escherichia coli O157:H7 isolates from the bovine host reservoir
Eppinger M, Mammel MK, Leclerc JE, Ravel J, Cebula TA
PMID: 21421787
PloS one. 2011-04-29; 6.4: e19054.
Genome sequencing and analysis of Yersina pestis KIM D27, an avirulent strain exempt from select agent regulation
Losada L, Varga JJ, Hostetler J, Radune D, Kim M, Durkin S, Schneewind O, Nierman WC
PMID: 21559501
Journal of bacteriology. 2011-03-01; 193.6: 1489-90.
Whole genome sequence of an unusual Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato isolate
Casjens SR, Fraser-Liggett CM, Mongodin EF, Qiu WG, Dunn JJ, Luft BJ, Schutzer SE
PMID: 21217002
Genome research. 2011-03-01; 21.3: 494-504.
Chimeric 16S rRNA sequence formation and detection in Sanger and 454-pyrosequenced PCR amplicons
Haas BJ, Gevers D, Earl AM, Feldgarden M, Ward DV, Giannoukos G, Ciulla D, Tabbaa D, Highlander SK, Sodergren E, Methé B, DeSantis TZ, Human Microbiome Consortium, Petrosino JF, Knight R, Birren BW
PMID: 21212162
Journal of bacteriology. 2011-02-01; 193.4: 1018-20.
Whole-genome sequences of thirteen isolates of Borrelia burgdorferi
Schutzer SE, Fraser-Liggett CM, Casjens SR, Qiu WG, Dunn JJ, Mongodin EF, Luft BJ
PMID: 20935092
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). 2011-01-15; 186.2: 1044-59.
Blocking of α4β7 gut-homing integrin during acute infection leads to decreased plasma and gastrointestinal tissue viral loads in simian immunodeficiency virus-infected rhesus macaques
Ansari AA, Reimann KA, Mayne AE, Takahashi Y, Stephenson ST, Wang R, Wang X, Li J, Price AA, Little DM, Zaidi M, Lyles R, Villinger F
PMID: 21149598
The Journal of infectious diseases. 2011-01-15; 203.2: 168-74.
Deep sequencing reveals mixed infection with 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus strains and the emergence of oseltamivir resistance
Ghedin E, Laplante J, Depasse J, Wentworth DE, Santos RP, Lepow ML, Porter J, Stellrecht K, Lin X, Operario D, Griesemer S, Fitch A, Halpin RA, Stockwell TB, Spiro DJ, Holmes EC, St George K
PMID: 21288815
PloS one. 2011-01-14; 6.1: e16016.
The temporal dynamics of differential gene expression in Aspergillus fumigatus interacting with human immature dendritic cells in vitro
Morton CO, Varga JJ, Hornbach A, Mezger M, Sennefelder H, Kneitz S, Kurzai O, Krappmann S, Einsele H, Nierman WC, Rogers TR, Loeffler J
PMID: 21264256
PloS one. 2011-01-01; 6.6: e21740.
Genomic and protein structural maps of adaptive evolution of human influenza A virus to increased virulence in the mouse
Ping J, Keleta L, Forbes NE, Dankar S, Stecho W, Tyler S, Zhou Y, Babiuk L, Weingartl H, Halpin RA, Boyne A, Bera J, Hostetler J, Fedorova NB, Proudfoot K, Katzel DA, Stockwell TB, Ghedin E, Spiro DJ, Brown EG
PMID: 21738783
Journal of virology. 2011-01-01; 85.1: 357-65.
PB2 residue 158 is a pathogenic determinant of pandemic H1N1 and H5 influenza a viruses in mice
Zhou B, Li Y, Halpin R, Hine E, Spiro DJ, Wentworth DE
PMID: 20962098
