GCID Publications
Virology journal. 2013-01-25; 10.32.
Analysis of whole genome sequences of 16 strains of rubella virus from the United States, 1961-2009
PMID: 23351667
PloS one. 2013-01-01; 8.5: e63139.
Analyses of the stability and core taxonomic memberships of the human microbiome
PMID: 23671663
PloS one. 2013-01-01; 8.5: e65955.
Molecular signature of high yield (growth) influenza a virus reassortants prepared as candidate vaccine seeds
PMID: 23776579
PloS one. 2013-01-01; 8.5: e67616.
Asparagine substitution at PB2 residue 701 enhances the replication, pathogenicity, and transmission of the 2009 pandemic H1N1 influenza A virus
PMID: 23799150
Nucleic acids research. 2013-01-01; 41.Database issue: D387-95.
TIGRFAMs and Genome Properties in 2013
PMID: 23197656
Science progress. 2013-01-01; 96.Pt 2: 153-70.
Microbiome in human health and disease
PMID: 23901633
Emerging infectious diseases. 2013-01-01; 19.9:
Antigenic and molecular characterization of avian influenza A(H9N2) viruses, Bangladesh
PMID: 23968540
PLoS pathogens. 2013-01-01; 9.8: e1003570.
Influenza a virus migration and persistence in North American wild birds
PMID: 24009503
PloS one. 2013-01-01; 8.12: e80597.
Simultaneous transcriptional profiling of bacteria and their host cells
PMID: 24324615
BMC genomics. 2012-12-12; 13.698.
Sequencing of mitochondrial genomes of nine Aspergillus and Penicillium species identifies mobile introns and accessory genes as main sources of genome size variability
PMID: 23234273