GCID Publications

Virology journal. 2013-01-25; 10.32.
Analysis of whole genome sequences of 16 strains of rubella virus from the United States, 1961-2009
Abernathy E, Chen MH, Bera J, Shrivastava S, Kirkness E, Zheng Q, Bellini W, Icenogle J
PMID: 23351667
PloS one. 2013-01-01; 8.5: e63139.
Analyses of the stability and core taxonomic memberships of the human microbiome
Li K, Bihan M, Methé BA
PMID: 23671663
PloS one. 2013-01-01; 8.5: e65955.
Molecular signature of high yield (growth) influenza a virus reassortants prepared as candidate vaccine seeds
Ramanunninair M, Le J, Onodera S, Fulvini AA, Pokorny BA, Silverman J, Devis R, Arroyo JM, He Y, Boyne A, Bera J, Halpin R, Hine E, Spiro DJ, Bucher D
PMID: 23776579
PloS one. 2013-01-01; 8.5: e67616.
Asparagine substitution at PB2 residue 701 enhances the replication, pathogenicity, and transmission of the 2009 pandemic H1N1 influenza A virus
Zhou B, Pearce MB, Li Y, Wang J, Mason RJ, Tumpey TM, Wentworth DE
PMID: 23799150
Nucleic acids research. 2013-01-01; 41.Database issue: D387-95.
TIGRFAMs and Genome Properties in 2013
Haft DH, Selengut JD, Richter RA, Harkins D, Basu MK, Beck E
PMID: 23197656
Science progress. 2013-01-01; 96.Pt 2: 153-70.
Microbiome in human health and disease
Madupu R, Szpakowski S, Nelson KE
PMID: 23901633
Emerging infectious diseases. 2013-01-01; 19.9:
Antigenic and molecular characterization of avian influenza A(H9N2) viruses, Bangladesh
Shanmuganatham K, Feeroz MM, Jones-Engel L, Smith GJ, Fourment M, Walker D, McClenaghan L, Alam SM, Hasan MK, Seiler P, Franks J, Danner A, Barman S, McKenzie P, Krauss S, Webby RJ, Webster RG
PMID: 23968540
PLoS pathogens. 2013-01-01; 9.8: e1003570.
Influenza a virus migration and persistence in North American wild birds
Bahl J, Krauss S, Kühnert D, Fourment M, Raven G, Pryor SP, Niles LJ, Danner A, Walker D, Mendenhall IH, Su YC, Dugan VG, Halpin RA, Stockwell TB, Webby RJ, Wentworth DE, Drummond AJ, Smith GJ, Webster RG
PMID: 24009503
PloS one. 2013-01-01; 8.12: e80597.
Simultaneous transcriptional profiling of bacteria and their host cells
Humphrys MS, Creasy T, Sun Y, Shetty AC, Chibucos MC, Drabek EF, Fraser CM, Farooq U, Sengamalay N, Ott S, Shou H, Bavoil PM, Mahurkar A, Myers GS
PMID: 24324615
BMC genomics. 2012-12-12; 13.698.
Sequencing of mitochondrial genomes of nine Aspergillus and Penicillium species identifies mobile introns and accessory genes as main sources of genome size variability
Joardar V, Abrams NF, Hostetler J, Paukstelis PJ, Pakala S, Pakala SB, Zafar N, Abolude OO, Payne G, Andrianopoulos A, Denning DW, Nierman WC
PMID: 23234273
