Molecular signature of high yield (growth) influenza a virus reassortants prepared as candidate vaccine seeds
Ramanunninair M, Le J, Onodera S, Fulvini AA, Pokorny BA, Silverman J, Devis R, Arroyo JM, He Y, Boyne A, Bera J, Halpin R, Hine E, Spiro DJ, Bucher D
PMID: 23776579
Human influenza virus isolates generally grow poorly in embryonated chicken eggs. Hence, gene reassortment of influenza A wild type (wt) viruses is performed with a highly egg adapted donor virus, A/Puerto Rico/8/1934 (PR8), to provide the high yield reassortant (HYR) viral 'seeds' for vaccine production. HYR must contain the hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) genes of wt virus and one to six 'internal' genes from PR8. Most studies of influenza wt and HYRs have focused on the HA gene. The main objective of this study is the identification of the molecular signature in all eight gene segments of influenza A HYR candidate vaccine seeds associated with high growth in ovo.