
BMC genomics. 2017-08-04; 18.1: 578.

Strategies for optimizing BioNano and Dovetail explored through a second reference quality assembly for the legume model, Medicago truncatula

Moll KM, Zhou P, Ramaraj T, Fajardo D, Devitt NP, Sadowsky MJ, Stupar RM, Tiffin P, Miller JR, Young ND, Silverstein KAT, Mudge J

PMID: 28778149


Third generation sequencing technologies, with sequencing reads in the tens- of kilo-bases, facilitate genome assembly by spanning ambiguous regions and improving continuity. This has been critical for plant genomes, which are difficult to assemble due to high repeat content, gene family expansions, segmental and tandem duplications, and polyploidy. Recently, high-throughput mapping and scaffolding strategies have further improved continuity. Together, these long-range technologies enable quality draft assemblies of complex genomes in a cost-effective and timely manner.
