
ACS synthetic biology. 2023-09-15; 12.9: 2778-2782.

Improved Combinatorial Assembly and Barcode Sequencing for Gene-Sized DNA Constructs

Hernandez Hernandez D, Ding L, Murao A, Dahlin LR, Li G, Arnolds KL, Amezola M, Klein A, Mitra A, Mecacci S, Linger JG, Guarnieri MT, Suzuki Y

PMID: 37582217


Synergistic and supportive interactions among genes can be incorporated in engineering biology to enhance and stabilize the performance of biological systems, but combinatorial numerical explosion challenges the analysis of multigene interactions. The incorporation of DNA barcodes to mark genes coupled with next-generation sequencing offers a solution to this challenge. We describe improvements for a key method in this space, CombiGEM, to broaden its application to assembling typical gene-sized DNA fragments and to reduce the cost of sequencing for prevalent small-scale projects. The expanded reach of the method beyond currently targeted small RNA genes promotes the discovery and incorporation of gene synergy in natural and engineered processes such as biocontainment, the production of desired compounds, and previously uncharacterized fundamental biological mechanisms.
