Data from proteome analysis of Lasiodiplodia theobromae (Botryosphaeriaceae)
Uranga CC, Ghassemian M, Hernández-Martínez R
PMID: 28580409
Trunk disease fungi are a global problem affecting many economically important fruiting trees. The Botryosphaeriaceae are a family of trunk disease fungi that require detailed biochemical characterization in order to gain insight into their pathogenicity. The application of a modified Folch extraction to protein extraction from the Botryosphaeriaceae generated an unprecedented data set of protein identifications from fragmentation analysis and peptide sequencing of its proteome. This article contains data from protein identifications obtained from a database-dependent fragmentation analysis using three different proteomics algorithms (MSGF, Comet and X! Tandem the SearchGUI proteomics pipeline program) and peptide sequencing. Included are data sets of gene ontology annotations using an all-Uniprot ontology database, as well as a -only and a -only ontology database, in order to discern between those proteins involved in common functions with and those in common with the pathogenic yeast . Our results reveal the proteome of contains more ontological categories in common to , yet possesses a much wider metabolic repertoire than any of the yeasts studied in this work. Many novel proteins of interest were identified for further biochemical characterization and annotation efforts, as further discussed in the article referencing this article (1). Interactive Cytoscape networks of molecular functions of identified peptides using an all-Uniprot ontological database are included. Data, including raw data, are available ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD005283.
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