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Sybil: methods and software for multiple genome comparison and visualization
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Nucleic acids research. 2007-01-01; 35.Database issue: D846-51.
The TIGR Plant Transcript Assemblies database
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Hawkeye: an interactive visual analytics tool for genome assemblies
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The TIGR Rice Genome Annotation Resource: improvements and new features
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Journal of bacteriology. 2007-01-01; 189.1: 531-9.
Complete and SOS-mediated response of Staphylococcus aureus to the antibiotic ciprofloxacin
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A bioinformatic filter for improved base-call accuracy and polymorphism detection using the Affymetrix GeneChip whole-genome resequencing platform
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TIGRFAMs and Genome Properties: tools for the assignment of molecular function and biological process in prokaryotic genomes
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Journal of clinical microbiology. 2007-01-01; 45.1: 39-46.
Role of large sequence polymorphisms (LSPs) in generating genomic diversity among clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and the utility of LSPs in phylogenetic analysis
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Sensitive and specific method for detecting G protein-coupled receptor mRNAs
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Isolation and characterization of the highly repeated fraction of the banana genome
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