Media Center

Press Release

"Q Fever" Pathogen's Genome Is Deciphered

Small Genome Variations Account For Wide Range of Diseases, Victims

Press Release

TIGR Leads New Project to Sequence Tetrahymena Genome

Small Genome Variations Account For Wide Range of Diseases, Victims

Press Release

Genome Analysis Sheds Light on Mobile DNA's Role in Pathogen's Resistance to Vancomycin

TIGR's sequencing and analysis of the genome of a vancomycin-resistant strain of Enterococcus faecalis has found that nearly a third of the genome consists of "mobile elements" -- segments of DNA that can jump between organisms or their chromosones -- that appear to play an important role in helping the bacterium quickly acquire resistance to drugs.

Press Release

New Mobile Lab To Bolster Bioscience Education

The nation's newest and largest mobile laboratory, the MdBioLab, will be launched in early February to help Maryland high schools enhance their bioscience education programs. TIGR has partnered with MdBio, Inc., and the University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute to create this innovative non-profit project.

Press Release

TIGR Offers Genomics Course

Press Release

Rice Genome Sequence Announced By International Public Consortium

An international sequencing consortium that includes TIGR announced today that scientists have completed the assembly of an advanced, high-quality draft genome sequence of rice and made that data freely available. The sequence is an important new tool for agricultural and nutritional research involving one of the world's most important crops.

Press Release

U.S.-German Research Consortium Sequences Genome of Versatile Soil Microbe

Pseudomonas putida Has Potential for Use in Bioremediation, Promoting Plant Growth and Fighting Plant Diseases

Press Release

IBEA Receives $3 Million Dept. of Energy Grant for Synthetic Genome Development

Hamilton Smith, M.D., Nobel Laureate, Named Scientific Director of IBEA

Press Release

Exploring Bacterial Branches of the Tree of Life

In an ambitious "phylogenomics" project, TIGR scientists have received an NSF grant to use whole genome sequence analysis to better understand the phylogenetic relationships among major bacterial groups.


Thule, Greenland - Day One

Arrived at Thule, Greenland after a 5 hr flight from Copenhagen. It was pretty interesting seeing a long line of people all getting on a flight that was headed to a part of the world that usually has less than 600 people there at any given time. Arrival was pretty straightforward, no jetway,...

Thule, Greenland - Day Three

Day three started with me missing breakfast. It seems that folks around here only eat breakfast between 5am and 8am. Today was a very rough day for sampling.  About an hour drive to the area near the site, about a three-mile hike to one spot another half-mile hike to another spot...

The Next Generation Science Standards are Ready for Review

The second draft is ready for public comment through January 29th. Please be sure to take some time to review.

Plant Bioinformatics Workshop

JCVI recently held its 3rd Annual Plant Bioinformatics Workshop from July 15-19th. During the week-long workshop, 20 scientists from the Plant Research community visited JCVI and learned many aspects of Bioinformatics from the members of Chris Town’s Plant Genome group. Attendees included...

Carl Woese 1928-2012

Editor's Note: This post originally appeared on T. Taxus, December 31, 2012, by Jonathan Badger. Dr. Badger  is an Assistant Professor in the Microbial and Environmental Genomics Group at the J. Craig Venter Institute in La Jolla, CA. Reprinted by permission. As you may have...

'Twas the night before Christmas

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the building All our creatures were stirring, even our mold; The dishes were placed in the incubator with prayer, In hopes that pure growth soon would be there; The scientists were nestled all...

JCVI Internship Information for 2013 Is Ready

We are now accepting applications for the 2013 Summer Internship Program.  We are excited to be able to continue to inspire young scientists!  Last year, we received 546 applications.  Of which, thirty-one interns were selected to work in diverse areas....

Building a Solid Foundation

The JCVI La Jolla construction site has been busy since earthwork began in 2011. After grading the site to specified levels, a detailed excavation began to make room for the structural concrete footings, supporting slabs, and underground utilities. With all of the holes in just the right...

JCVI Viral Finishing Pipeline: a Winning Combination of Advanced Sequencing Technologies, Software Development and Automated Data Processing

JCVI viral projects are supported by the NIAID Genomic Sequencing Center for Infectious Disease (GSCID). The viral sequencing and finishing pipeline at JCVI combines next generation sequencing technologies with automated data processing. This allowed us to complete over 1,800 viral genomes...


Scientific American

Scientists Create the Smallest-Ever Moving Cell

Just two genes get tiny synthetic cells moving, offering clues to life’s evolution.


From Sequencing to Sailing: Three Decades of Adventure with Craig Venter

In a plenary public appearance at the Molecular and Precision Med TRI-CON event in San Diego, a relaxed Venter reflected on his career highlights, controversies and future priorities for genomic medicine.

Big Biology Podcast

Synthesizing life on the planet

What’s the smallest number of genes that cells need to grow and reproduce? Is it possible to synthesize minimal genomes and insert them into cells? What do minimal genomes teach us about life? An interview with John Glass, Ph.D.


Top scientists join forces to study leading theory behind long COVID

Several JCVI scientists will be contributing to the newly launched Long Covid Research Initiative — a collaboration of researchers, clinicians, and patients working to rapidly study and treat long Covid.

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Hunting for deep-ocean plastics

Through the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, National Deep Submergence Facility, JCVI's Erin Garza, Ph.D. joins a deep sea expedition to search for ocean plastics aboard the HOV Alvin.

New Yorker

A journey to the center of our cells

Biologists are discovering the true nature of cells—and learning to build their own.

Emirates Woman

Dr. Hend Alqaderi on paving the way for women in science in the GCC

Hend Alqaderi, a JCVI collaborator and mentee to Marcelo Freire receives the L’Oréal-Unesco Women in Science award


Leonardo Da Vinci: New family tree spans 21 generations, 690 years, finds 14 living male descendants

The surprising results of a decade-long investigation by Alessandro Vezzosi and Agnese Sabato provide a strong basis for advancing a project researching Leonardo da Vinci's DNA.



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