Media Center

Press Release

Mapping the Mouse Genome

An international research consortium that includes TIGR has published a comprehensive physical map of the mouse genome that provides an important resource for biomedical researchers. The TIGR team, led by Shaying Zhao, sequenced the BAC ends of the mouse genome.

Press Release

Scientists Find New Markers For Anthrax Isolates

In a pioneering use of genomics as a tool for the forensic analysis of microbes, TIGR scientists have found new genetic markers to distinguish the Bacillus anthracis isolate that was used in last fall's bioterror attack in Florida from closely related anthrax strains.

Press Release

TIGR has partnered with MdBio, Inc. and the University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute (UMBI) to launch the MdBioLab in 2003

TIGR has partnered with MdBio, Inc. and the University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute (UMBI) to launch the MdBioLab in 2003, a mobile laboratory designed to enhance bioscience curricula for high school students and their teachers throughout the state of Maryland.

Press Release

J. Craig Venter, Ph.D., Announces Formation of Three Not-for-Profit Organizations

Organizations will Focus on Ethical and Social Issues Surrounding Genomics and Developing New Biological Energy Sources


Acapulco Harbor, Mexico

There probably isn’t a harbor in Mexico more impacted by tourism and development than Acapulco. We pull into the stunningly beautiful harbor and sample in front of an area of high rise hotels. The depth of the spot we sampled is only 40 feet, so we just take a surface water sample. Of...

Sampling Blooms in Cabo Corrientes

Just south of Puerto Vallarta is Cabo Corrientes, and our satellite data indicate a large bloom extending 25 miles off the coast. As we enter the bloom the water turns an intense green, and there are numerous fish feeding in the area. Sampling conditions are ideal: bright sunshine, light...

Puerto Vallarta: Investigating the Influence of Coastal Development

Sampling today starts before sunrise when we arrive at Puerto Vallarta. In conjunction with our Mexican collaborators, we are investigating the influence of coastal development, particularly intensive tourism, on marine microbiota, so we take a sample of surface water in Banderas Bay and leave...

Strong Winds

Winds have picked up considerably in the last 36 hours, and tonight they are blowing in the 25 to 30 knot range, below gale force but still too strong to safely deploy our instrumentation. We sail past the plankton bloom near Cedros Island without stopping, but you can see the sparkle of the...

Blooms and Clear Skies

We left under clear skies and light winds, and within hours of heading out, we were sampling the waters off of the Coronado Islands near the US/Mexican border and plotting our sampling schedule for the next few days. The team passed around the latest satellite data from SeaWiFS, NASA’s global...

J. Robert Beyster and Life Technologies 2009-2010 Research Voyage Launch

After two years of intensive sampling in the waters off California and the west coast of the United States, the Sorcerer II Expedition embarked once again on March 21, 2009. Our destination: the Baltic, Black and Mediterranean Seas. Funded by generous donations from the Beyster Family...


Deutsche Welle

Craig Venter: 20 years of decoding the human genome

The human genome is 99% decoded, the American geneticist Craig Venter announced two decades ago. What has the deciphering brought us since then?

Issues in Science and Tech

Gene Drives: New and Improved

As the science advances, policy-makers and regulators need to develop responses that reflect the latest developments and the diversity of approaches and applications.

The San Diego Union-Tribune

Pink shoes and a lab jacket: Finding your way as a female scientist

Women in science tell high school girls they, too, can change the world

Asia Times

How AI can help us decode immunity

Artificial intelligence and machine learning will be the keys to unraveling how the human immune system prevents and controls disease

Nature News and Views

Construction of an Escherichia coli genome with fewer codons sets records

The biggest synthetic genome so far has been made, with a smaller set of amino-acid-encoding codons than usual — raising the prospect of encoding proteins that contain unnatural amino-acid residues.

UC San Diego News Center

Public Health is the Next Big Thing at UC San Diego



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